To our Valued Customers,
Bunker is one of the important cost components for a container shipping line. And as you are aware, IFO 380 price has shown strong fluctuations in the recent months.
ANL have advised, in addition, a new IMO (International Maritime Organization) low sulphur regulation will be applied to all container shipping companies effective 1st January 2020. The regulation stipulates a maximum sulphur content threshold of 0.5% for marine fuels over 100% of the sea distance for any maritime services including all ANL services.
On 1st January 2019, ANL moved to a quarterly Bunker Adjustment Formula (BAF).
BAF quantum applicable from 1st April 2019 will be calculated based on the IFO 380 per ton range $376-$400.
Please see consolidated Q2 BAF* levels below:
REGION BAF Northbound BAF Southbound
SEA/NEA/ISC/ME Gulf to/from
AU/NZ 62 212
US/Canada West Coast to/from
AU/NZ/PNG/ Pacific Islands 240** 240
US/Canada East Coast & US Gulf
to/from AU/NZ/PNG/Pacific Islands 460** 460
Australia to/from NZ 26 (Eastbound) 121 (Westbound)
PNG to/from Asia (APR) 222 222
Darwin/Dili to/from Asia (PAX) 246 246
Australia Coastal 43 AUD 43 AUD
New Zealand Coastal 22 NZD 22 NZD
AU/NZ to/from Europe 440 (Westbound)** 520 (Eastbound) **
Per TEU in USD (unless other currency specified).
** Reefer Consumption Surcharge (RCS) at 20% BAF also applies.
Feel free to contact your BRi Customer Service Representative, should you have any further queries or concerns in relation to this matter.
Keeping you updated,
BRi Customer Service Team
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