Lunar New Year Holiday and Coronavirus Update 4th February 2020


To our Valued Customers


Almost 3,000 new coronavirus infection cases were recorded Sunday (Feb 2nd), adding up to nearly 17,500 confirmed infections.


Until Monday Feb 3rd, the new coronavirus death toll in China rose to at least 360….


The new coronavirus epicentre Wuhan closed the city on Jan. 23rd, this week from Feb. 3rd to 7th is very critical as some well-known epidemiologists believed that symptoms of this coronavirus may appear in as few as 2 days or as long as 14 after exposure. This is based on what has been seen previously as the incubation period of other similar viruses.


A company in Hangzhou who couldn’t wait that long summoned 30 staff to office for an urgent meeting, unfortunately among them, 11 were found infected with the new coronavirus. This incident has aroused great concern from the government as well as the general public, as a result, stricter compliance to official return to work date was required in order to contain the virus infection. Safety Production Supervision team paid more frequent visits to different industries in an effort to check compliance.


More and more countries, including the US, Australia, Singapore, Indonesia etc. have banned the entry of non-citizens who have travelled to China in the last 14 days. More than 20 airlines have suspended flights to and from mainland China as coronavirus infections continue to spread globally.


We haven’t received new announcement from China government for even longer extension to official “return to work” date. All AEL-Berkman China offices will formally resume work from Feb. 10th.


Hongkong government announced that all employees of HKSAR Government are not required to return to offices before Feb 9th, private sectors were encouraged to follow, half of the banks closed today.


All border crossings with mainland China except for the Shenzhen Bay joint checkpoint and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macau Bridge will be closed on Feb 4th.  During this week, AEL-Berkman Hongkong office will make flexible work arrangements in accordance with the operational needs.


The Chinese and Australian management team are closely monitoring the situation as part of our commitment to ensure the safety of our staff while working towards mitigating any possible impact to our agent partners and customers’ operations.


We are continuing to monitor all sources to provide you with the most up to date & accurate information on what appears to an ever-worsening situation.


Please refer to your assigned Customer Solutions Representative, should you require further assistance.


Keeping you updated

BRI Customer Solutions Team

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