Dear Valued Clients,
Please see below for a full update of the evolving situation in mainland China.
While the article is lengthy, we strong urge you to take the time to review in its entirety.
We would like to have our latest update on the outbreak of Covid-19 and its impact on return to work date in logistics industries in China. Until today Feb 17th, the Covid-19 death toll in China has surpassed 1770, more than 70,600 people were confirmed infected.
The majority of new infections and fatalities are still concentrated in Hubei Province, where the first Covid-19 case recorded. The Hubei provincial government announced the upgrading of its containment efforts, by implementing the strictest lockdown policies across all villages, communities, neighbourhoods and residential compounds. With nationwide efforts to curb the spreading, outside Hubei Province, increasing signs of a stable slowdown in the spread of Covid-19 appeared over the weekend.
As part of our commitment to ensure the safety of our staff, AEL-Berkman management team has been doing everything possible to provide safety working environment while resuming operations to support our partners and customers. Below is a summary of AEL-Berkman’s resumption of work as in the second half of Feb.
AEL-Berkman Hong Kong office:
Hong Kong is fully staffed and operational.
AEL-Berkman Shanghai, Xiamen and Qingdao offices:
Since Feb 10th, majority of staff have reported duty excepted some were coming back from the so-called high-risk areas and were advised by Street Office or Neighbourhood Committee to isolate themselves for 14 days or a certain period of time.
AEL-Berkman Shenzhen office:
To follow local authorities’ advice to contain the Covid-19 spreading, AEL-Berkman Shenzhen office provided flexible work arrangements to staff last week. A local level permission was obtained last Sunday after passing the on-site safety inspection, AEL-Berkman Shenzhen officially resumed to work with majority of staff serving our partners and customers in office from Feb. 17th
AEL-Berkman Ningbo office:
Ningbo is a city with relatively more confirmed cases recorded. For the safety our staff and follow local authorities’ advice, AEL-Berkman Ningbo office continues to provide flexible work arrangements with abbreviated staff on duty in office and the rest working remotely to support.
Ningbo warehouse has partly resumed operation from Feb 17th. Trucks from the so-called high-risk areas like Hubei/Wenzhou/Taizhou/Hangzhou etc. were not allowed to enter into warehouse. Delivery by appointment at least 2 days in advance is recommended.
Regarding factories and trucking companies, many are struggling to return to normal production, but in some areas, they’re facing difficulties such as local authorities’ administrative measure to further postpone return to work date. As per quarantine rules in some areas, workers coming back from other places have to be isolated for 14 days, which have limited the number of available workers/truckers.
With the slow rebound of production capacity, TEU demand in market may drop, as a result, some carriers are actively introducing blank sailing and port omissions making available TEU volume at the same time decreases, vessel sailing schedule reliability will also be affected.
The situation is changing daily, we encourage our partners to inform their customers to keep close contact with suppliers and must be prepared with planning and flexibility for their supply chains in the upcoming months.
Thank you for your support and understanding during this difficult period.
Feel free to contact your BRi Customer Solutions Representative, should you have any further queries or concerns in relation to this matter.
Keeping you updated,
BRi Customer Solutions Team
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