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To our valued customers,
BR International previously informed clients of the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources’ (DAWR ) decision to increase the time allowed between offshore treatment (ie. heat, fumigation or irradiation methods) and export for manufactured wooden articles from 21 days to 6 months. This announcement came with the requirement for importers to provide assurance that the treated goods have not been infested with pests in the time between treatment and export.
At the time of our announcement it was deemed that treatment certificates including a container number would remain acceptable as per previous arrangements. On the other hand, treatment certificates without a container number would require a newly implemented “storage declaration” to demonstrate that the treated goods have been stored appropriately after treatment to avoid re-infestation.
Our experiences during the two months since the initial announcement have shown the DAWR to be most inconsistent in their handling of shipments containing timber. Despite the initial assurance that treatment certificates including a container number would not require a storage declaration, we have received many requests from the DAWR for the additional document despite the treatment certificate appearing OK. With this in mind, BR International have decided to take an extra step to request storage declarations for all shipments containing treated timber, effective immediately. This will ensure our client’s shipments are no longer held by the DAWR.
Please ensure your suppliers are made aware of the requirement to provide this additional document for all shipments containing treated wooden articles. A template is attached which may be distributed to suppliers.
Feel free to contact your BR International Customs department should you have any questions in relation to storage declarations.
Keeping you updated,
BRi Customs Department
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