To our valued customers,
As many importers would be aware, the Department of Immigration and Border Protection ( DIBP ), formerly known as Australian Customs, increased their surveillance of import documentation last September in an effort to eliminate the importation of products containing asbestos. Some of our clients have experienced delays due to both document and physical inspection/sampling of cargo. On each occasion this has created significant delays in the clearance and delivery process.
We therefore wish to remind you that customs brokers are being asked to make declarations, at the time of customs entry lodgement, stating whether certain products contain asbestos. To ensure BR International’s brokers are making accurate declarations to the ABF on your behalf we will continue to confirm with importers whether products contain asbestos or not.
Your entry lodgement will be held pending your response so we respectfully request that you answer the question as quickly as possible.
Please remember that it is the responsibility of the importer to :
We understand this may present some inconvenience however it is a requirement which has been imposed by the ABF by whom we are governed.
Feel free to contact your BR International Customs team should you have any further queries in relation to this matter.
Keeping you updated,
BRi Customs Department
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