Dear Valued Customer,
Over the past few months there has been a significant increase in shipping lines engaging the stevedores to accept empty containers as direct de-hires to their terminals rather than through an empty container park (ECP). This provides further cost reductions for the shipping line, however it places a significant effect and financial impact on transport operations in Victoria.
The cost increases and additional charges are associated through the following;
Slot availability at stevedores is minimal in comparison to slots at ECP’s
After serious industry consultation via The Victorian Transport Association and industry bodies, the industry has decided as a whole that the financial impost must be passed on.
BRi and our suppliers have worked through various models and have held off on charging this fee for some time (as many commenced charging 1 October, 2017) however it has come to a point where it can no longer be absorbed.
As a result of the above a $95.00 per container will be levied from 1st of April, 2018 for all empty containers directed for return to a stevedore.
Please contact BRi Customer Service should you require further information.
Keeping you updated
BRi Transport Team
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