Brisbane Port Congestion


Dear Valued Customer,


We would like to take this opportunity to reach out to you to articulate these issues in an open and transparent way and a time frame which we believe we can return to normal operations in servicing you as our customer. As a result of the challenges with Port of Botany in which several shipping lines have diverted vessels, volume through the Port of Brisbane has increased significantly. This additional volume into Brisbane has absorbed the normal transient subcontract fleet that all carriers call on this time of year as they are transporting these Sydney containers to Sydney. Coupled with the lack of Rail capacity, peak season and an uplift ex-China in terms of manufacturing, this has led to a perfect storm.


In addition to an uplift in volume, challenges with terminal turnaround times and delays in empty depots have led to significant congestion. The ordinary truck turnaround times at port have significantly increased again due to the diverted volumes from Sydney into Brisbane congesting the terminals and leading to impact’s to service and delivery to our customers.


This week is going to be challenging, but by early next week, consistency of service should start to return to the standard.


Like always thank you for all your support in these tough times, we will get through this together. Should you have any queries or concerns please contact your Customer Solutions Representative.


Keeping you updated,

BRi Transport Team


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