To our Valued Customers,
We would like to have our latest update on the outbreak of the new coronavirus and its impact on return to work date in China. On Feb 7th, the new coronavirus death toll in China has surpassed 630, more than 31,200 people were confirmed infected.
Except Hubei Province, where the coronavirus originated from, can only resume work from Feb 14th, and several cities in Zhejiang Province like Wenzhou/Taizhou where have a large-scale infection found can only resume work from Feb 18th, most of the provinces will resume normal production from Feb. 10th.
While confirming all the AEL-Berkman staff are safe, we would like to advise that AEL-Berkman China offices including Shanghai, Ningbo, Qingdao, Shenzhen, Xiamen will resume work from Feb 10th to support our partners and customers’ operations.
As part of our commitment to ensure the safety of our staff, AEL-Berkman management team has been doing everything possible to source from overseas for protective gears like surgical masks etc. which are rare resources now in China to ensure our staff who report duty next Monday will have a certain degree of protection and work in a safety environment.
Some shipping lines like ONE / CMA / APL / Hamburg Sud act announced to further extend the “home office” period and resume office work from Feb 17th, we believe the impact to shipment release / booking confirmation wouldn’t be affected to a great extent.
Thank you for your support and understanding during this difficult period. Feel free to contact your BRi Customer Solutions Representative, should you have any further queries or concerns in relation to this matter.
Keeping you updated,
BRi Customer Solutions Team
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