
To our Valued Customers,

In a recent announcement DP World will be increasing their VBS & Infrastructure Fee for all full import and export containers handled at the terminal.

DPWA has announced this increase (a 54% increase) for Vehicle Booking System (VBS) fees in each of its terminals in Australia. Additionally, it is implementing a $10 Empty Stack Run In & Out Fee, which will be paid ultimately by their shipping line customers for empty movements to/from the terminals.

It has been estimated that these VBS fee increases alone will net DPWA over $30 million per annum.

It is acknowledged that DPWA has invested in landside technology interface improvements in most of its terminals.  However, transport operators and their customers should rightly ask whether the landside sector has enjoyed $30 million worth of interface productivity improvements, or will do in the future, including improved truck servicing times, the ability to increase truck utilisation rates, and greater information visibility & exchange.

In all States except NSW there is no corresponding penalty regime for poor operational performance by stevedores.  This again highlights the inequitable nature of the access terms & conditions which transport operators must endure without any reciprocal service level obligations.

At a meeting of Australia's Infrastructure and Transport Ministers held on Friday 20 November, the National Transport Commission (NTC) has been tasked with developing voluntary national guidelines for applying stevedore infrastructure and access charges (both their introduction and increase) at Australia’s container ports.

We are sure the other wharves will soon follow their lead in the coming weeks or months.

Effective January 1st 2021

This is a fee which is imposed by the terminal on the transport carrier and is additional to our contracted and agreed transport rate.

We are regrettably left with no other alternative but to pass on these additional costs incurred whilst performing transport services.

We thank you for your understanding, in particular that this increase is a pass on charge applied to ALL carriers by DP World.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact our Transport Team. Once again thank you for all your support, Merry Christmas & stay safe.  


Keeping you updated,

BRi Transport Team


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