CPSU 24 hour strike for Friday 12 August 2016


As you would be aware from recent media reports, further industrial action is taking place affecting the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) and the Australian Border Force (ABF).

What you need to know:

  • CPSU members across the APS are ramping up protected action, political and Fair Work pressure on Government
  • CPSU delegates in DIBP and ABF have endorsed a Departmental wide 24 hour strike for Friday 12th August
  • CPSU member meetings being held from 3rd August, Departmental wide
  • Agriculture members joining DIBP/ABF members on 12th August by holding stop work PIA meetings
  • Further industrial action planned APS wide and Airports

After consultation with your senior workplace leaders and delegates, CPSU has notified a 24 hour strike on Friday 12 August across the entire Department (with the exception of already exempted staff like CTU, and the Marine Unit who will have separate action notified).

Why are members taking action and what you can do to help

For three years, CPSU members have been campaigning for a fair agreement by taking protected  industrial action and campaigning in their workplaces and communities.  Our members are fighting for respect and fairness.  So what does that look like?  

  • Maintenance and equity of pay rates, conditions and allowances
  • Protecting existing conditions of employment and workplace rights including current consultation rights on hours of work, shift rosters, location moves, variable and part time work arrangements
  • A fair pay increase with recognition of the extensive delays

CPSU is seeking the resumption of negotiations for a new agreement. We have again written to the Prime Minister seeking his intervention in favour of a policy that lets us negotiate fair agreements.


Keeping you updated,


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